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Benefits of Drumming

Drumming is lots of fun and also brings health benefits. It's a great stress reliever, improves posture, flexibility and co-ordination and is a great mental stimulus and physical exercise.

Physical Benefits

Get fit!

Drumming can be a vigorous activity which helps develop a strong cardiovascular muscle system. After a long practice session you feel as though you've been for a run, or workout at the gym. Engaging in cardiovascular exercise for prolonged periods of time releases endorphins; your body's "feel good" hormones. So after a long session you'll come out feeling great!

Lose Weight!

Research conducted by sports scientists from the University of Gloucestershire has shown that drummers are comparable in physical ability with world class sportsmen. You can burn approx 400-600 calories an hour playing drums, thus raising your heart rate, to as high as 190 beats per minute – equalling that of famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo in a Premier League football match.

Mental Benefits


Many drummers use drumming to clear their heads and let out any anger, frustration and built up energy. It is a great way to help you relax and de-stress.


Drumming uses different thought processes and engages parts of your brain not used during other daily activities and subconsciously involves a lot of maths. All of which help to mentally stimulate your brain.

Endorphins also help you to concentrate and focus for long periods of time, even after your practice session has ended. Therefore drumming can help improve concentration, build up confidence and help set your mind to an achievable goal. It's hugely beneficial to those with ADD or on the autistic spectrum.

Musical Benefits

New Music!

You automatically find yourself listening to beats and rhythms in lots more types of music, and branch out your tastes to appreciate different music genres and styles. You will begin to understand music theory such as music notation, time signatures, rudiments and poly rhythms.

New Friends!

Learning to play a musical instrument means you will start meeting and socialising with other musicians and going to concerts where you will meet like-minded people and new friends. Additionally, if you start playing in a band or jamming with friends you'll learn how to interact with other musicians. This leads on to learning how to create and build a song and how different instruments, chords, rhythms, structures and patterns can change the feel and groove of a composition.

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